Sunday, May 25, 2008

Solidarity Brother!

So night before last t I was at a farewell for a friend of a friend and ended up chatting with an acquaintance of the "Hi and Right" variety who casually mentions to me and my friend, the annoyingly fucking lazy Bakannal blogger, that he has a blog. So Bakannal whips out his little cellphone gizmo thingy and the guy goes online and reads one of his posts.

I could have pissed myself with laughter. Bloggers in Guyana are becoming more and more notorious on a variety of fronts. The Big Boss Man GMC is notorious for pissing almost every body in the media and local politics off; Bakannal is notorious for getting drunk and tongue-kissed by randy older women; and Guyana 360 and Guyana Providence for hammering the government. Now this guy's site wins my award for pissing off simply getting it right.

The Silver Dragon (no relation to the Red Dragon on Robb Street) is absolute fucking brilliant when it comes to his cynical, jaded and unrepentant view of women. I thought my literary insight/interrogation into the psyche and behaviour of these strange creatures was getting's not. Here's a sample of what the Dragon has to say about women:

"As a man, there are many things that women do to annoy me, but nothing irks me to the bone as much as them messing with my food. Men are a mighty gender and men work tirelessly all week to make the world go around. Whether it’s mixing cement, inventing new pharmaceuticals, forecasting supply and demand for commodities, designing a waste-water treatment plant, managing a diversified financial portfolio, or simply bagging groceries, men put 100% into everything they do, and as such, are the axis that the modern world revolves on. As can be expected, such hard work requires fuel to generate so much output, and we humans commonly refer to this fuel as food. When we men sit down to eat, we usually need to consume a full portion, and thus it is pretty annoying when you’re eating and a woman keeps sticking her fork in your plate."

I'd advise women to stay away from this site which means that every single woman reading this is going to visit anyway because that's what women do. Men (not SASOD men, real ones, please) need to visit the Silver Dragon...and then the Red Dragon afterwards for some good old fashioned titties in your face action.

What I like about this blogger is that he gets the need to guard against the constant pussification (blame George Carlin) of the male that has become highly evolved in America and other societies and is threatening to wash over the Caribbean/Guyana. We need to be reminded that "men are a mighty gender" and this is what the Dragon does.

Finally, someone who agrees with me that not only is testosterone not a bad thing, it is a very good thing indeed - and is willing to express it. For more enlightenment, click here.


Anonymous said...

O Hell No!

Anonymous said...

mightier gender who have hatred for women are suffering from some kinda Freudian complex of the back way kind...

Megatron said...

When losing a logical argument, a woman will invariably resort to emotional arguments well before any possible concession. Thus, when arguing with a man, a woman will inevitably bring up at least one of a man's putative:

a) homosexuality,

b) small penis size,

c) lack of a woman,

d) unattractiveness to women,

e) inability to satisfy a woman, and

f) cheating with other women.

The fact that many of those assertions are logically impossible when combined will not prevent a woman from doing so.

On another note, if you think that using the term 'Freudian' makes you look smart, then you must be a woman. Why? Because men prefer to use simpler words and use them correctly than to use a complex word incorrectly and look like a total jackass.

There is no such thing as a Freudian complex. Freudian psychoanalysis is the correct term, and more specifically, his work on psychosexual development. I know you were trying to refer to what he calls the 'Oedipus complex,' but you're too fucking stupid to know what you mean.

signifyinguyana said...

I reeeaaaallly didn't want to, but I had to laugh. That response from Silver Dragon was funny.

Anonymous said...

Silver dragon, by reverting to name calling you've become emotional so I guess you must be suffering from a Freudian complex too.

I guess you're one of those men who thing you have a monopoly on intelligence. I don't see how the Oedipus complex gets into this, unless this is the reason why you bash women.

Megatron said...

I do not think I have a monopoly on intelligence. I know that men have the monopoly on intelligince.

I'm not sure if you're the previous 'anonymous' or not, but that person started the name-calling, and I just decided to let her know 'who the man is.'

It is always important to let a woman know her place. If not, you'll end up with aberrations to the natural order of society (such as feminism, female executives, and a woman's right to vote).

Anonymous said...

I don't get it...a man spends his time blogging about women, but it's still a woman he wants under him when the night comes. Is it that you really want a man with a vagina?

Megatron said...

It still amazes me how easily and consistently women prove me right. In my first comment I outlined how women start to question a man’s sexuality when losing a logical argument, but yet women commenters continue to beat that dead horse.

As you clearly said earlier, I want a woman under me when the night comes. I don’t see why you would then go on to the next sentence to ask a question that you’ve answered already. No, I do not want a man with a vagina. I blog about women because it is apparent to me that women have lost their way and need to be put back in their place.

I thought that my blog was simple and straightforward, and that anyone reading it would be have enough intelligence to understand what it is all about. I should have realised that women would have serious difficulty in comprehending anything. It is obvious that they don’t get it from the start because women Can’t Understand Normal Thinking. Take the last four words in the previous sentence, make an acronym from them, and then you’d see why from now on women are forbidden from my blog.

Anonymous said...

relax people, this silver dragon guy is obviously trying to be satirical...although his mock misogyny is old and trite and not funny at all. And even if he really believes his drivel, then it is still old and trite and not funny at all.

Megatron said...

Ruel spoke about the "need to guard against the constant pussification," and you're the type of man he was talking about.

You are obviously a damn mangina. I know you're a man because the spelling in your post is correct, you've used words like 'trite' and 'drivel' correctly, and the fact that no woman on earth knows what to be 'satirical' is. It is clear to me that you have more than a modicum of intelligence, which strongly suggests that you are a male.

Assailing me won't do you any good, because which ever woman you're trying to impress by doing this will not sleep with you. Women prefer men who know how to put them in their place. The sooner you realise that, the sooner you'll actually get a woman to like you, loser.