After some unclear concession on the steamy hotness of Timeka Marshall, Stolid goes on to say how the girl must be photogenic or something. I was in Palm Court the very same night and she looked damned luscious to me. The picture I've stolen off her Facebook profile and pasted here is really how she looks in person.
Moving along to the literary side of this blog, I spent much of today in a frigging daze, finally deciding to leave my apartment a little after lunch. I feel it coming on again, the slackness, the desire to do absolutely nothing except write, drink and fuck...though not necessarily in that order.
In about half an hour I am going to the house of an old friend, and enjoy a couple of glasses of her precious rum and coke and catch up. Then I am going to go home and try my best to write although I've somehow managed to lose both my notebooks. If anything, over the few months I've learned not to bitch and just go with the flow of the Universe, dude.
Instead of dressing up like I did yesterday, I have on my torn leg pair of jeans, plain white t-shirt and a pair of sneakers - and I postponed the haircut and shave. Tonight it's rum and coke, reminiscence and the pondering on how some shit never changes.
um i think she is ok but not as beautiful as you make it seems.
face it ruel one man's poison is another man's sweet:).
who is she? She's cute but a dime a dozen. No big whoop.
Whilst I will agree that if any one who says Timeka is not hot is gay or dead and should be fucking shot for even entertaining the thought of this. But I gotta say she looks 10 times hotter in person that in any photograph. I hope you know that you have a snowballs chance in hell .
Get your fucking lazy writers ass in gear and stop being a slacker and do some writing or get a really fucking job like the rest of us.
And what is this about you dressing down, you wore your torn leg pair of jeans, plain white t-shirt and a pair of sneakers and postponed the haircut and shave, You always look like Shit, I thought this was the look you were aiming for, as it goes with the image of the downtrodden writer. Also what the fuck you reminiscing about ? , you skunt only 28!, AH !, As the great Irish Writer George Bernard Shaw once said “Youth is wasted on the young”. Get your ass together and try and suck or fuck the marrow from bones of life, before you skunt get too old.
With regards to the questions about “Fictions”
"'The Last Affair' is about you and your wife isn't it?"- Not sure about this one, but it gotta be true, you imagination nah dat good.
"So your cock is six inches, no measure from the base, seven inches?"- Remember, rulers also measure in centimetres and mistakes can happen, whilst inebriated, and which base? Top side or Balls side, and if you measuring from your base on the balls side, please deduce four inches for your balls.
"So you fuck the coolie girl, eh?" - Did she confirm weather she’ll ever go back to dem lil dick coolie man, you know once you try black, there’s no going back. Or did the whole experience with you reconfirm that, its not what you got is how you use, and has now ruined any other chance that some black man. I hope you did a good job and didn’t let the side down.
I’d end by saying Timeka is fucking hot, and fuck any of you who say different.
So whose sweet are you Ishi? Lol. Come on, you can tell me. PS. You kind of cute too...or am I exaggerating in your case as well?
Ishi is cuss ya when you ask she if she cute.
Nah...she cute, although her screen-name is...sounds like Squishy
I would fuck her!
again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again
take rest then
fuck here again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again
Lol..anon...a man after my own libido....
i am no one's sweet ruel.
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